Friday, March 4, 2011

Preparations in Progress

I can't believe that I will be in Belize in less than two weeks! I am currently scrambling trying to finish all of my UNCW work, teach my classes, see everyone that I will miss while I am gone, and pack! I am incredibly excited for the trip, but trying to figure out what you pack to teach in a foreign high school that has no AC for 4.5 weeks is rather difficult :)

Yesterday, I taught a lesson to my Earth Science class at Topsail High School that I will get to teach in Belize. Basically, the students designed experiments to change how fast sugar dissolved and a film crew from UNCW came to film them. I have to do an inquiry project as part of my graduation requirements for my masters program, so I decided to compare how students in the USA differ from students in Belize while they conduct labs in which they have to do more critical thinking. The lab itself wasn't that exciting, but I was super excited because I know that the next time I do that lab I'll be in BELIZE!

Going to Belize is very exciting for me because it will be the longest period of time I have been out of the country without family or friends! It's definitely a trip that will push me out of my comfort zone and something that I probably would not have pursued a couple of years ago because so much of the trip is uncertain. Fortunately, I'm at the right place in my life to go on a trip like this one, and I can't wait to push myself and get to know so many new people.

I should probably get back to my homework now...

Until next time,

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