Monday, April 18, 2011

Cucumber Beach

Day 3: High School Inland Trip

                The third and final day of the high school inland trip was fantastic! Once again, we got up early and drove back to Belize City to meet the group of juniors at the Belize Zoo. As a group we toured the zoo, which showcases a lot of the animals that are native to Belize.
                After the Zoo we went to Old Belize, which features a museum, zip-lining and a water park. The museum was really cool because it outlines the history of Belize, so I got to learn a lot more about the place that I’ve been living. It actually reminded me a lot of the Museum of Natural Science in North Carolina, but on a much smaller and historical scale. Then we went and watched the students Zip line and hung out at 'Cucumber beach' and played volleyball with the students until it was time to catch the ferry back to San Pedro!

Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. It would be really interesting to see how Belize was founded and who led the first expeditions to Belize. They have old Mayan Ruins, don't they? Those would be a lot of fun to explore.
    Were there any animals that are native to Belize, that are not anywhere else in the world? Those cats were big, but looked like they wanted to play, lol.
    Keep having fun and i look forward to reading more from your trip.
